Monday, March 18, 2013

Toronto Island: Day 4 inside and outside

Today was colder than yesterday and stormy. The winds were a steady sound here on the island.
Maybe this is our last winter storm given that it's officially Spring this week.

The constant roar made me check the weather forecast. A huge colourful blot showed the progression of a storm to the north from the U.S. Still, it was hard to believe that all that sound was from the wind and the waves. 

I had to go out to take a look at the water and to test myself against the cold.

 CJ did too. He wasn't too happy
but took comfort at his scratching post.

walking to the pier

Yikes. I wanted to walk on that pier but not today. 

sand that looked like this

sand that looked like that

sand with a patch of sand that looked like the Islands

Turning around to take one last look
I headed back to tell my friends what I saw and that the noise really was the water and the waves.
One of us went out and wanted to come back in
and the other wasn't even tempted.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Bleak and spare images. Perfect for drawing.