Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Busy busy busy almost forgot all about my blog ugh!

I forgot to post yesterday. I just completely forgot.

This is what happens when you work a part time job while getting ready for two shows over one weekend.

You forget things except what's in front of your face to do.

Plus it was cheap movie night here ($4.20) and my other half and I made a pact to get out and go see a cheap film, (surely I can spare a couple of hours?) and so off I went to the theatre right after work and watched Bourne Ultimatum and then came home, worked a bit more, and went to bed exhausted. It didn't help that it was super humid again here and hot hot hot.

I didn't even think about posting.

I guess that's going to happen.

Not often I hope.


Anonymous said...

You work too hard!

Maybe you need a vacation?

Anonymous said...

Dear Monkeyshines:

My next vacation will consist of visiting as many sights as I can until I can no longer walk as my feet will be so exhausted.